Stop Saying WordPress Core and Start Saying Empowered WordPress Contributors

Stop Saying WordPress Core and Start Saying Empowered WordPress Contributors

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Not all contributions are WordPress Core

Hey, WordPress enthusiasts and contributors! Let's talk about the importance of accurate terminology when it comes to WordPress contributor teams. Using the right words isn't just about being picky; it's about fostering clarity and unity within our community. So, let's dive in and explore why getting WordPress contributor teams right matters!

  1. Not all contributions are WordPress Core
  2. Overview of Contributor Teams
  3. Common Misconceptions
  4. Importance of Accurate Terminology
  5. Using Proper Team Names
  6. Conclusion

Many tables at WordCamp Europe contributor day. Not visible: WordPress Core.

WordPress Marketing team table during WordCamp Europe 20231

Overview of Contributor Teams

Let's begin with an overview of WordPress contributor teams. Each team has a specific mission and role within the WordPress universe. Understanding these distinctions empowers us to work together more effectively. Here's a snapshot of some major teams:

Understanding the distinct missions and roles of each team empowers us to work together more effectively. By using accurate language, we can avoid confusion and foster greater collaboration within the WordPress community. Remember, each team has a unique mission and role, and using accurate language shows respect for their contributions.

WordPress Contributor Teams

Ready to start contributing? Visit the Get Involved quiz to help you find your team.

Accessibility Team

Tide Team

Community Team

Documentation Team

Meta Team

Mobile Team

Hosting Team

Photos Team

Security Team

Performance Team

Plugins Team

Support Team

Marketing Team

Core Team

Training Team

Themes Team

CLI Team

TV Team

Meta Team

Test Team

Openverse Team

Sustainability Team

These teams play vital roles in WordPress development, community building, and project health.

Want to see the latest news from all the teams? Visit the Latest Make WordPress news.

Many team tables during WordCamp Europe contributor day 2023

Common Misconceptions

It is important to note that there is a common misconception among some members of the WordPress community that all teams fall under the "WordPress Core" umbrella. However, this is inaccurate and can lead to confusion and missed opportunities for collaboration. It is crucial to understand the distinct missions and roles of each team to work together effectively.

  • Myth 1: "Everything is WordPress Core."
    • Clarification (For Contributors): It's essential to recognize that WordPress consists of various contributor teams, each with its focus and expertise. While the Core Team is central, there are many other specialized teams, such as the Design Team, Accessibility Team, and Marketing Team, actively working to improve different aspects of WordPress. Collaborating with these teams opens up opportunities for a more impactful contribution.
    • Clarification (For Community Members): For those new to WordPress, it's crucial to understand that WordPress is a collaborative effort involving various teams. While the Core Team is at its core, many other specialized teams contribute to different areas. This diversity of teams means that there are multiple ways for you to engage and support WordPress beyond just the core development work.
  • Myth 2: "The WordPress Core Team does everything."
    • Clarification (For Contributors): While the Core Team plays a pivotal role in WordPress development, it doesn't handle everything alone. Collaborative efforts involve specialized teams like the Design Team, Accessibility Team, and Marketing Team, each contributing their unique expertise to enhance different aspects of WordPress. Contributors should explore these teams to maximize their impact.
    • Clarification (For Community Members): It's a common misconception that the Core Team handles all aspects of WordPress. In reality, WordPress relies on the collective efforts of various teams. This means that the WordPress community welcomes and encourages contributions from a diverse range of talents, not just coding. Whether you're into design, documentation, translation, or community building, there's a place for you to contribute and make a difference.
  • Myth 3: "Contributing means only coding."
    • Clarification (For Contributors): While coding is a valuable form of contribution, it's far from the only one. WordPress embraces a wide range of contributions, including design, documentation, translation, and community building. Contributors should explore their interests and skills, as there's a team that can benefit from their unique talents, regardless of whether they write code or not.
    • Clarification (For Community Members): Don't be misled into thinking that contributing to WordPress is limited to coding. In fact, WordPress thrives on contributions from individuals with diverse skills and interests. Whether you're a designer, writer, translator, or community enthusiast, your contributions are valued and can help make WordPress even better for everyone.

Importance of Accurate Terminology

Time for some real talk! Using the right words isn't about being picky; it's about fostering clarity and unity within our community. Here's why it matters:

  • Collaboration Magic: Accurate terms help us find the right teammates and work effectively.
  • Avoiding Confusion: Clear communication minimizes misunderstandings.
  • Building Trust: Using proper terminology shows respect for each team's unique mission and role.
  • Fostering Unity: Accurate terms help us recognize and appreciate the contributions of all teams.
  • Encouraging Growth: Understanding the distinct missions and roles of each team empowers us to work together more effectively and achieve greater success.

By using accurate language, we can harness the full potential of the WordPress community and work together to achieve incredible results. So, let's commit to using the correct terminology and strengthening our community to build clearer communication and greater collaboration!

Using Proper Team Names

We're not just here to point out issues; we're all about solutions! Let's make a pact to use the correct team names:

  • Example 1: Instead of "WordPress Core did this," say "The _______ Team achieved this."
  • Example 2: Replace "WordPress Core meeting" with "Core Team meeting."
  • Example 3: Say "Accessibility Team" instead of "WordPress Accessibility."


When it comes to WordPress contributor teams, accurate terminology is crucial. Each team has a specific mission and role within the WordPress universe, and understanding these distinctions empowers us to work together more effectively. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception among some members of the WordPress community that all teams fall under the "WordPress Core" umbrella. However, this is inaccurate and can lead to confusion and missed opportunities for collaboration.

By using the correct terminology, we can avoid confusion and foster greater collaboration within the WordPress community. Remember, each team has a unique mission and role, and using accurate language shows respect for their contributions. Let's commit to using the right terms and building a stronger, more cohesive WordPress community!

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Courtney Robertson -
by Courtney Robertson